Winston, David

David Winston is an Herbalist and Ethnobotanist with 54 years of training in Chinese, Western/Eclectic and Southeastern herbal traditions. He has been in clinical practice for 47 years and is an herbal consultant to physicians, herbalists and researchers throughout the USA, Europe and Canada. David is the founder/director of the Herbal Therapeutics Research Library and the dean of David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies, a two-year training program in clinical herbal medicine. He is an internationally known lecturer and frequently teaches at medical schools, professional symposia and herb conferences. He is the president of Herbalist & Alchemist, Inc. a manufacturer that produces herbal products that blend the art and science of the world’s great herbal traditions.
In addition, David is a founding/professional member of the American Herbalist Guild, and he is on the American Botanical Council and the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Advisory Boards. He was a contributing author to American Herbalism, published in 1992 by Crossings Press, and the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) , 2000-2018, the author of Saw Palmetto for Men & Women, Storey, 1999 and Herbal Therapeutics, Specific Indications For Herbs & Herbal Formulas, HTRL, 2014 (10th edition) and the co-author of Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief, Healing Arts Press, 2007 & 2019 2nd Ed, and Winston and Kuhn’s Herbal Therapy and Supplements; A Scientific and Traditional Approach, Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, 2008. David has also published hundreds of articles in medical and botanical medicine journals and conference proceedings. He is also a member of the AHPA Expert Advisory Council that created the second edition of the Botanical Safety Handbook, CRC Press, published in 2013 (3rd edition in press).
In 2011 David was a recipient of the AHPA Herbal Insights award. In 2013 he received the Natural Products Association Clinicians award and was awarded a fellowship by the Irish Register of Herbalists. In 2018 he was the Mitchell visiting scholar at Bastyr University and in 2019 he was awarded an honorary DSc degree from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, OR.
A Summary and Comparison of Immune Remedies
Speaker: David Winston. A detailed description of botanicals affecting the immune system: immun..
Adaptogens - Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief
Speaker: David Winston. Much of the information about adaptogenic herbs has come from company market..
ADHD Facts, Fallacies and Treatment
Speaker: David Winston. ADHD Facts, Fallacies and Treatment..
ADHD: Facts, Fallacies and Treatment Option
Speaker: David Winston. Causes and conventional treatments are discussed, followed by an exhaustive ..
Alterative Herbs for Detoxification
Speaker: David Winston. An alterative gently increases elimination of metabolic wastes through ..
Alzheimer’s Disease: The Loss of Memory and Self
Speaker: David Winston. New research suggests that amyloid plaques and tau protein are not the cause..
An American Extra Pharmacopoeia: Medicinal Uses of Common Noxious Weeds
Speaker: David Winston. The inclusion of unused but effective indigenous and introduced species..
An Herbal Guide to Sexual Health
Speaker: David Winston. Herbal treatments for anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfu..
Analgesia: The Search for Effective Pain Relief
Speaker: David Winston. While herbs are not as powerful as opiates and other pharmaceutical med..
Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Search for Answers
Speaker: David Winston. The incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has increased dramatic..
Autism Spectrum Disorders-The Search for Answers
Speaker: David Winston. The incidence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has increased dramatic..
Back Pain: Herbs and Complementary Therapies
Speaker: David Winston. Begins with a discussion of the allopathic treatments for back pain. An..
Botanical and Complementary Therapies for Tick Borne Diseases: An Update
Speaker: David Winston. The history and current understanding of tick borne diseases such as Ly..
Botanical and Nutritional Protocols for Asthma
Speaker: David Winston. This potentially life threatening disease costs billions of dollars in ..
Botanical and Nutritional Treatment of Thyroid Disorders
Speaker: David Winston. Addresses underlying causes and botanical protocols for hypothyroidism,..
Botanical Medicine for Topical Applications
Speaker: David Winston. Herbs used as ointments and poultices, in baths, neti pots or gargles c..
Botanical Therapies for Chronic Back Pain
Speaker: David Winston. Back pain is the most common cause of missed work in the United States...
Botanical Therapies for Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome
Speaker: David Winston. Insulin resistance, obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) have been lin..
Botanical Therapies for Mens Health
Speaker: David Winston. Men's health is often ignored and men often ignore their health. Discus..
Botanical Treatment for Today's Infectious Diseases
Speaker: David Winston. Anti-viral herbs for influenza including herbs for children and botanic..
Botanical/Nutritional Protocols for Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders
Speaker: David Winston. Research has clearly shown over the past thirty years that poor quality..
Botanicals for Colds and Influenza
Speaker: David Winston. Includes a discussion of the usefulness of Tamiflu and other medication..
Botanicals for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
Speaker: David Winston. Discussion of restless leg syndrome, night terrors, menopausal insomnia..
Botanicals for Tick Borne Diseases
Speaker: David Winston. Treatment options for babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease and others..
Brain Pain, The Challenge of Migraines–The Herbal/Nutritional Treatment of a Chronic Neurovascular Disorder
Speaker: David Winston. This lecture proposes an updated evaluation and treatment program for m..
Bringing Down the Numbers – The Herbal/Nutritional Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertension
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) Heart diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death in the in..
Cherokee Herbal Medicine
Speaker: David Winston. The healing tradition of the Ani-yuwya people is over 5000 years old an..
Detoxifying the Body: The Clinical Use of Alteratives, Depuratives and Antidyscratics
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) The concept of an alterative was a very prominent part of..
Differential Treatment of Depression and Anxiety
Speaker: David Winston. Discussion of the underlying causes of depression and anxiety and how t..
Differential Treatment of Depression and Anxiety
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG). Research shows that the orthodox treatment of depression..
Differentiation of Herbal Immune Therapies, Part 1
Speaker: David Winston. A presentation of models for immune function and herbal therapies..
Differentiation of Herbal Immune Therapies, Part 2
Speaker: David Winston. A continuing from Part 1, this presentation discusses models for ..
Digestion: The Foundation of Health
Speaker: David Winston. The various types of digestive remedies are described with ..
Eclectic Herbal Medicine: Formulas for Heart Disease and Cancer
Panel: David Winston and Donald Yance. Two of the leading experts in eclectic medical practice ..
Effective Pain Relief with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) The search for effective, safe and non-addictive pain medicat..
Ethnobotany of the Cherokee
Speaker: David Winston. Plants, water, fire and air: a Cherokee view of the world includes stories t..
Harmony Remedies: An Overview of Adaptogens
Speaker: David Winston. A discussion of the way adaptogens work to normalize the body and restore he..
Herb-Drug Interactions
Speaker: David Winston. Myths, facts and theory are examined in this presentation. Types ..
Herb-Drug Interactions & Herb Toxicity, Pt 1
Speaker: David Winston. Herb-Drug Interactions & Herb Toxicity, Pt 1. Continued in Part 2. ..
Herb-Drug Interactions & Herb Toxicity, Pt 2
Speaker: David Winston. Continued from Part 1. Herb-Drug Interactions & Herb Toxicity, Pt 2..
Herbal and Nutritional Approaches to Cancer Treatment: A Work in Progress
Speaker: David Winston. A review of herbal and nutritional approaches to cancer includes prevention ..
Herbal and Nutritional Approaches to Hepatitis B & C
Speaker: David Winston. New pharmaceutical treatments for hepatitis C are very effective, but t..
Herbal and Nutritional Gastroenterology, Pt 1
Speaker: David Winston. Digestion, absorption and elimination are truly the foundation of health. Th..
Herbal and Nutritional Gastroenterology, Pt 1 and Pt 2
Speaker: David Winston. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 3-hour presentation. Digestion, ..
Herbal and Nutritional Gastroenterology, Pt 2
Speaker: David Winston. Continued from Part 1, catalog number 14SW10. ..
Herbal and Nutritional Therapies for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (EENT)
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG). In this class, we discuss simple but effective clinical protocols ..
Herbal Approaches to Autoimmune Disease
Speaker: David Winston. Discussion includes immune amphoterics, alteratives, anti-inflammatories, an..
Herbal Energetics
Speaker: David Winston. Herbs are categorized by the ten tastes: sweet, pungent, bitter, etc. The en..
Herbal Gastroenterology
Speaker: David Winston. Digestion and absorption are the foundation of health. What you eat is vital..
Herbal Nootropics: Botanicals for Enhancing Memory, Focus and Concentration
Speaker: David Winston. The word nootropic describes substances that enhance cognitive function..
Herbal Therapeutics 3: The Alterative Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. By stimulating the major organs of elimination, alterative herbs create an i..
Herbal Therapeutics 5: Adaptogens
Speaker: David Winston. How adaptogens work to normalize the body and restore health. Includes speci..
Herbal Therapeutics 7: Immunomodulators
Speaker: David Winston. Specific indications and therapeutic uses of immunostimulants (such as bapti..
Herbal Therapies for Environmental Disease
Speaker: David Winston. Therapies for heavy metal toxicity, allergens, PCBs, radon and other ha..
Herbal/Nutritional Treatment of Kidney Stones
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG). Kidney stones are relatively common, their incidence is..
Herbs and Ceremony for Treating Emotional and Spiritual Disease
Speaker: David Winston. The Cherokee concept of Duyukta (Harmony and Balance) can teach us a great d..
Herbs and Complementary Therapies for Chronic Back Pain
Speaker: David Winston. A large part of this lecture deals with the risks and possible benefits of s..
Herbs and Nutrition for Cardiovascular Health and Disease
Speaker: David Winston. Begins with basic recommendations for dietary, lifestyle and herbal th..
Herbs and Supplements for Treating Kidney Stones
Speaker: David Winston. Herbs and Supplements for Treating Kidney Stones..
Herbs for Autoimmune Disease and Allergies
Speaker: David Winston. A broad discussion of useful herbs in autoimmune diseases and allergies. Imm..
It Hurts to Move: Herbal and CAM Treatment of Back Pain and Fibromyalgia
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) Chronic back pain is very common, it is the leading caus..
Let Your Food be Your Medicine: Medicinal Uses of Common Foods
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG). In many systems of traditional medicine (TCM, Ayurveda,..
Little Known Medicines of the Southern Forests and Fields
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) The Southeastern US is one of the most botanically diver..
Little Known Uses of Common Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. Unique uses for mullein, nettle, echinacea, saw palmetto, St. John's wo..
Little-Known Medicinal Plants of the Southeast
Speaker: David Winston. There are many effective herbal medicines that are still frequently used in ..
Making Love: An Herbal Guide to Sexual Health
Speaker: David Winston. An examination of all that goes into a healthy sexual relationship, fr..
Medicinal Mushrooms
Speaker: David Winston. Mushrooms have provided powerful medicine for over 2000 years. Di..
Medicinal Mushrooms in Clinical Practice
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) In China and other Asian countries, mushrooms are not only com..
Medicines of the Soul: The Ritual Use of Plants
Speaker: David Winston. Herbs can be used not only as physical medicines, but ritual and s..
Mens Health: Herbal and Nutritional Treatment for Common Genitourinary Problems
Speaker: David Winston. Mens health is often ignored and men often ignore their health. In this clas..
Migraines: An In-depth Look at their Pathophysiology
Speaker: David Winston, RH(AHG). This lecture proposes an updated evaluation and treatment..
Natural Approaches to Hepatitis B & C
Speaker: David Winston. Natural Approaches to Hepatitis B & C..
Nervines, Building a Better Foundation for the Nervous System
Speaker: David Winston. While sleep, good nutrition and stress reduction techniques are importa..
Nervines: Building a Better Foundation for the Nervous System
Speaker: David Winston. Nervines are nerve tonics; calming herbs that are mildly relaxing witho..
New Research on Adaptogens
Speaker: David Winston. Recent research has confirmed much of what we know about how adaptogens..
Panel Discussion: Botanical and other Therapies for Long COVID
Panelists: Dee Atkinson, FNIMH, Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist, Kenneth Proefrock, NMD and David Wi..
Panel Discussion: Evidence-Based Herbal Medicine: New Science and Ancient Tradition
Panelists: Jerry Cott, Jason Miller and David Winston. While modern medicine puts great store in dou..
Panel Discussion: Herb/Drug Interactions
Panelists: Amanda McQuade Crawford, Jill Stansbury, Paul Bergner and David Winston. A common s..
Panel Discussion: Management of Hepatitis C with Botanical Therapies
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Deborah Frances, David Winston and Jillian Stansbu..
Panel Discussion: Overcoming Nervous Unrest & Sleep Disorders with Herbal Therapies
Panelists: Kerry Bone, Simon Mills, David Winston and Aviva Romm. Underlying causes of sleep disorde..
Panel: Restoring Mental Health in the 21st Century: Managing Chronic Overwhelm
Panelists: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG), Katie Stage, ND and David Winston, RH (AHG) Those patie..
Panel: Spirit of Eclectic Herbal Medicine: An American Tradition
Panel: David Winston and Donald Yance. Two experts on the theory and practice of the eclectics ..
Panel: Strengthening the Immune System with Botanicals
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Deborah Brammer, ND, David Hoffmann and David Wins..
Pao Zhi- The Alchemy of Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. Alchemy is the process of taking something physical and liberating its ..
Potential Botanical Therapies for Multiple Drug Resistance
Speaker: David Winston. Potential Botanical Therapies for Multiple Drug Resistance..
Protocols for the Treatment of Diabetes
Speaker: David Winston. What used to be called adult-onset diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes) is now co..
Restorative and Nutritive Tonics
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) In every herbal tradition, there are herbs used to help preven..
Reversing Multiple Drug Resistance w. Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. With MDR occurring more frequently outside the hospital setting, it is ..
Ritual Use of Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. Discusses the ritual and ceremonial use of plants from around the world..
Simple Remedies to Specific Medicines, the path from Thomson, to the Physiomedicalists and the Eclectics
Speaker: David Winston. We often turn to TCM or Ayurveda to add the essential concepts of..
Specific Medication for the Genitourinary Tract
Speaker: David Winston. This lecture covers a wide range of therapeutic agents. Spec..
Specific Medication: Herbs for the Liver
Speaker: David Winston. A comparison of liver remedies based on Ellinwood's classifications. &n..
Spices for Life
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) Without spices, our food would be much the poorer in both tas..
Synergy: The Key to Effective Herbal Practice
Speaker: David Winston. In all the world’s great herbal traditions, the use of single herbs (si..
TCM and Ayurvedic Herbs That Western Clinicians Really Need to Know
Speaker: David Winston. Each culture and medical system has its foundational herbs that a..
The Energetics of Herbs, Part 1
Speaker: David Winston. Part 1. Botanicals can be classified by their taste ("The Ten Tastes": bitte..
The Energetics of Herbs, Part 2
Speaker: David Winston. Continues the discussion from Part 1 on the classification of botanical..
The Ritual Uses of Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. Explore the ceremonial use of herbs in Cherokee and other indigenous cu..
The Worst Weeds are your Best Medicine
Speaker: David Winston. Our reliance in the West on an ever-dwindling materia medica has result..
The Zingiberaceae: A Family Worth Knowing
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) The Zingiberaceae (or Ginger) family is made up of approximat..
Thyroid Disorders, the Underlying Causes, and their Effective Treatment with Natural Remedies
Speaker: David Winston, RH(AHG). This presentation addresses underlying causes and botanic..
Treating Chronic Neck & Back Pain
Speaker: David Winston. Discusses the pros and cons of the western biomedical approach to back ..
Treatment of Bacterial MDR (MRSA, VRE) with Botanical Therapies
Speaker: David Winston. MRSA and other antibiotic resistant infections have become a major heal..
Treatment of Depression and Anxiety
Speaker: David Winston. Discussion of the underlying causes of depression and anxiety and how t..
“Just Another Sleepless Night”; Herbal/Nutritional Protocols for Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) Sleep is one of the foundations of good health. Chronic sleep..
Women's Health Audio Series
Discount package: One-click orders eight recordings (each 1.5 hours long) plus 83-page PDF of digita..
Series: Clinical Management of Anxiety and Depression
Discount package: One click orders seven recordings plus 110-page PDF of digital notes. This se..
Series: Gastrointestinal Health
Discount package: One click orders nine recordings plus 137-page PDF of digital notes. These ni..
Series: Pain and Inflammation
Discount package: One click orders eight recordings plus PDF of digital notes. This series includes..
Series: Sleep Management for Clinicians
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus 62-page PDF of digital notes. These six ..
Series: Thyroid Management for Clinicians
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus 61-page PDF of digital notes. In this co..
Weight Management Audio Series
Discount package: One-click orders eight recordings plus 99-page PDF of digital notes. One-clic..