2020 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

Date: 3/27/20 - 3/28/20
Digital Book and Audio Recordings: Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listings below).
Streaming Videos: Purchase the streaming videos for these presentations here: http://www.vimeo.com/ondemand/sw2020
2020 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2020 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book.Order download of P..
2020 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Full Set MP3 Recordings Download
Full Set of 2020 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine Audio Recordings30 MP3 recordings includ..
Acute Viral Respiratory Infection: Prevention and Therapeutics
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A presentation of nutritional and herbal considerations for epidemic respirat..
Addiction Part A: Understanding Addiction
Speaker: Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNP This workshop takes the participant on an overview o..
Addiction Part B: Treating Addiction
Speaker: Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNP This workshop is most effective if you have particip..
Assessing Nutritional Status in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Speaker: Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG). A look at gut, mitochondria and dietary factors that contribute..
Botanical Solutions for Brain Aging in Menopausal Women
Speaker: Andrea Purcell, ND. The aging brain in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women comes with m..
Botanical Treatment for Difficult to Treat Fungal Infections
Speaker: Heath McAllister, ND, RH (AHG). A host of conditions are caused by fungal infections, ..
Botanicals for Mitigating Environmental Toxicant Exposure
Speaker: Marianne Marchese, ND. Environmental toxicants are known to disrupt the endocrine, immune a..
Cancer Pain and Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG). Herbal medicine can be very effective for reducing p..
Case Studies and Strategies in the Naturopathic Treatment of Pulmonary Conditions
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, ND. This lecture presents a series of case studies glea..
Demonstration: Wound and Infection Management using Herbs
Speaker: Sam Coffman. Whether in the field, the clinic or home, there can often be situat..
Field Applications in Botanical Medicine: Instant Tinctures with CO2 Extraction
Speaker: Glen Nagel, ND, RH (AHG). Need that herb in a hurry? Will a two-week tincture ta..
Food Addiction in Women: Botanical Treatment Strategies
Speaker: Marianne Marchese, ND. Food addiction is very different than an eating disorder...
Healing as a Spiritual Path
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The individual called to be a healer enters into what is essential..
Herbal and Nutritional Therapies for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (EENT)
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG). In this class, we discuss simple but effective clinical protocols ..
Herbal/Nutritional Treatment of Kidney Stones
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG). Kidney stones are relatively common, their incidence is..
Humoral and Energetic Differentials for Gastrointestinal (GI) Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Herbal medicines used for the digestive tract have, in the terminology o..
Let Your Food be Your Medicine: Medicinal Uses of Common Foods
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG). In many systems of traditional medicine (TCM, Ayurveda,..
Managing IgA Nephropathy and FSGS with Natural Medicine
Speaker: Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG). IgA nephropathy is the most common form of autoimmune kidn..
Memory as Medicine: Botanicals Affecting Cognition, Memory and Sense of Self
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, ND Learning and memory are two of the most magical capabiliti..
Mitochondrial Support for Autoimmune and Stress-Related Chronic Illness
Speaker: Sam Coffman. Herbal formulas and protocols to increase mitochondrial function th..
Mystical and Mysterious Artemisia
Speaker: Heath McAllister, ND, RH (AHG). Begins with a survey of the various species of artemisia th..
Panel: Neuroplasticity and Management of Mental Health Conditions
Panelists: Kenneth Proefrock, ND, Katie Stage, ND and Mary Rondeau, ND. Neuroscientists us..
Strategies for Acute Illness in Children: Avoiding Pharmaceuticals
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD. Expanding the herbalist’s toolbox with nebulizers, eye d..
Targeting COVID-19 with Natural Medicine
Speaker: Donald Yance, RH (AHG). This two-hour presentation includes detailed material on prev..
Testosterone and Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG). The evidence for whether or not herbs can raise test..
The Herb Drug Interaction Continuum and Risk Assessment Tools Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Glen Nagel, ND, RH (AHG). Part 1 and Part 2 of this 4-hour pre-conference intensive c..
The Side Effects of Apiaceaous Plants
Speaker: Yalda Shokoohinia, PharmD, PhD. In her work as a pharmacist, phytochemist and ph..
Treating Addiction, Part A and Part B
Speaker: Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNP. One click orders parts A and B of this 3-hour presentatio..
Treatment Considerations for Bipolar Disorder
Speaker: Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG). Clinical experience with using nutritional and botan..
Understanding and Optimizing Oral Health
Speaker: Katie Stage, ND. If eyes are the window to the soul, then the mouth is the windo..
Upper GI Disorders: Esophagitis, GERD/heartburn, Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer
Speaker: Katie Stage, ND. About 20% of the population is affected by at least one conditi..