Elliott, Doug

Doug Elliott can show you how to make medicine out of common wild plants, and how to properly harvest a persimmon and use its seed to forecast the
winter. He can explain the virtues of poison ivy and what might happen
to you if you eat it. He knows ancient plant lore, plant riddles, and
even songs about weeds and berries.
His lively, informative herb and wild plant walks and plant oriented storytelling sessions are a special feature at many herb conferences, botanical gardens, wildflower pilgrimages and other events.
Herb Walk
Speaker: Doug Elliott. The incomparable Doug Elliott in his element. Medicinal plants, songs and sto..
Virtual Herb Walk and Storytelling
Speaker: Doug Elliott Experience a virtual herb walk with Doug Elliott to learn about botanical..
Weeds for your Needs: Celebrating the Healing Wild Plants - Their Stories, Song and Lore
Speaker: Doug Elliott. Whether he's pointing out poison ivy, pontificating on poke sallet, croo..