Camila, Renée

Renée Camila is a bilingual clinical herbalist and traditional birthworker. The child of Nicaraguan immigrants, her practice La Yerba Buena Herbs draws from her Spanish and Indigenous (Chorotega) ancestry. Trained in Indigenous energetic herbalism by Karyn Sanders and Sarah Holmes of the Blue Otter School of Herbal Medicine, Renée has been in clinical practice since 2016. Following in the footsteps of her ancestors, she is also a student of Mesoamerican Traditional Medicine (MTM) and Curanderismo. She offers energetic herbal consultations, traditional birth care, folk medicine for ritual use, and classes. She is one of the hosts of the Indigenous-centered radio show and podcast The Herbal Highway and is co-founder of the Now and Then Herb School.
As Part of a Whole: Insecurity as Physical Indication
Speaker: Renée Camila, Herbalist From a holistic perspective, most imbalances have an emotional root..