2014 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

Date: 4/11/2014 - 4/13/2014
Theme of this year's annual conference: Botanical Therapies for Autoimmune Disease. Thirty-one presentations by ten experienced herbal practitioners.
The printed book of lecture notes is available externally from Amazon.com.
A Journey into the Plants and Flowers of the Southwest
Speaker: Rhonda PallasDowney. A multi-media presentation on the doctrine of signatures, medicinal us..
A Woman's Heart: Botanical Medicines for Prevention and Treatment
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Reviews prevalence of heart disease in women and preventive measures, whi..
Anxiety and Insomnia in Women: The Fearsome Twosome
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Generalized anxiety disorder and chronic insomnia in women are discu..
Experience the Plants: Plant Spirit Medicine in the Garden
Speaker: Jane Borthwell. We receive healing from the plants on many levels. Bathe in the healing ene..
Flower Essence Preparation and Application
Speaker: Jane Bothwell. The art of making a flower essence from fresh flowers and the therapeutic ap..
Glaucoma: Pathophysiology and Rational Treatment
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. A broad investigation into the causes and treatment options for glaucoma,..
Herbal and Nutritional Gastroenterology, Pt 1 and Pt 2
Speaker: David Winston. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 3-hour presentation. Digestion, ..
Herbal and Nutritional Gastroenterology, Pt 2
Speaker: David Winston. Continued from Part 1, catalog number 14SW10. ..
Herbal Protocols for HPV
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The human papilloma virus (HPV) affects around 80% of the general populatio..
Herbal Treatments for Low Libido
Speaker: Katie Stage. Describes causes of sexual dysfunction and presents botanicals for these condi..
Herbs without Borders: Surpassing our Gender Bias with Herbs
Speakers: Heath McAllister and Katie Stage. They discuss the gender identification of many herbs (su..
Kitchen Condiments Medicine
Speaker: Jane Bothwell. Incorporating herbs in your daily diet is a great way to enhance vitality an..
Managing Obesity and Related Syndromes: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. Practical strategies to manage obesity and related syndromes: chronic in..
Materia Medica and Strategic Planning in Holistic Oncology, Part 1
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. An explanation of the planning that goes into making a holistic herbal pr..
Materia Medica and Strategic Planning in Holistic Oncology, Part 2
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Part 2 continues the discussion of a detailed materia medica and protocol..
Naturopathic Considerations in the Treatment of Seizure Disorders
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. In this talk, we begin with a broad discussion of the types of seiz..
Naturopathic Strategies for Treatment of Autoimmune Disease, Pt 1
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. An updated and comprehensive discussion of autoimmunity includes an..
Naturopathic Strategies for Treatment of Autoimmune Disease, Pt 2
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. An updated and comprehensive discussion of autoimmunity includes an unde..
Nervines: Building a Better Foundation for the Nervous System
Speaker: David Winston. Nervines are nerve tonics; calming herbs that are mildly relaxing witho..
Noble Nettle: The Many Uses of Urtica Dioica
Speaker: Rhonda PallasDowney. The many uses of Urtica dioica as food, fiber, beer, medicine, ap..
One Herb at a Time: A Foundation for Formulary
Speaker: JoAnn Sanchez. An organoleptic adventure deeply investigates the herb lavender and the..
Opiate Addiction: Herbal Protocols
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Heroin use has been on the rise for decades and treatment facilities r..
Panel: Maintaining Joint Health and Preventing Hip and Knee Replacements
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Chanchal Cabrera and Kenneth Proefrock. Wide-ranging discussion of pre..
Parkinsons Disease: A Case Study
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera.Reviews symptoms and possible causes of Parkinsons, and an examinatio..
Physical and Energetic Medicines in the Herbal Landscape
Speaker: Mimi Kamp. Medicine in habitat: we (virtually) explore a community of six desert plant..
Resilience: The Role of Botanicals in Depression and Adaptation
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Resilience is the ability to cope with stress and adversity, and bounce b..
Tannins and the Astringent Principle in Clinical Practice
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Explores the biochemistry of tannins and the associated catechins an..
TCM Approaches to Inflammation in a Scientific Context
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. A clinical presentation on the role of inflammation as the major et..
The Alterative Herbs: A 21st Century Look at Blood Purification
Speaker: Paul Bergner. According to Paul Bergner, the alterative action of herbs is one of the ..
Therapeutic Considerations for Herbs with Heating Effects
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Herbs with strong heating effects require precautions for certain patien..
West Nile Virus and Neuroinvasive Complications
Speaker: Paul Bergner. West Nile infections are currently rebounding in the southwest and Calif..
2014 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2014 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book.Order download of PDF file on this ..
2014 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine MP3 recordings includes these titles (ea..