A Summary and Comparison of Immune Remedies
Speaker: David Winston. A detailed description of botanicals affecting the immune system: immun..
Acute Viral Infections: Addressing COVID and Seasonal Epidemic Disease
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc Long before the advent of the microscope, doctors in China recorded..
Addressing Immune Health through the Ages: Infants to Seniors
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Let’s talk immune health for all ages and what we can do to suppor..
Aging and the Immune System: Using Botanical and Dietary Compounds for Immune Enhancement and Clearance of Senescent Cells to Combat Aging, Infection, and Chronic Disease
Speaker: Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) This presentation begins by defining immune senescence and ..
Biofilms: Microbiota and the Role of Botanicals
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Biofilms are aggregates of bacteria implicated in dental plaque format..
Botanical Antibiotic Stewardship in an Age of Resistance
Speaker: Aviva Romm. The overuse of antibiotics is a serious global health threat and is becomi..
Botanical Interventions for Hyperreactive Immune Systems
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Discussion of the complement cascade and its function in immunity: ..
Building Optimal Immunity with Botanicals
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. This comprehensive lecture on the immune system covers herbal anti-m..
Cell to Cell Communication and Herbal Influences
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Explore the fascinating world of cell to cell communication and learn ..
Clinical Applications of Medicinal Mushrooms with Synergistic Botanicals
Speaker: Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO This session reviews some of the latest findings on medicina..
COVID-19, Acute and Chronic Considerations in Naturopathic Patient Management
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD Experience has shown us that this virus primarily affects the lungs,..
Deciphering the Medicinal Properties of Immune Modulatory Botanicals
Speaker: Jeffrey Langland, PhD. Great controversy still remains as to whether Echinacea pu..
Desert Plants for Enhancing Immunity
Speaker: Michael Moore. Focus on common desert plants to boost immunity, as only Michael Moore ..
Differential Application of Botanical Immunomodulating Agents for Children
Speaker: Mary Bove. Botanicals interact with the human immune system in a variety of ways, eli..
Differentiation of Herbal Immune Therapies, Part 1
Speaker: David Winston. A presentation of models for immune function and herbal therapies..
Differentiation of Herbal Immune Therapies, Part 2
Speaker: David Winston. A continuing from Part 1, this presentation discusses models for ..
Differentiations of Herbal Antimicrobials
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Differentiations of Herbal Antimicrobials..
Geriatric Health Audio Series
Discount package: One click orders eight recordings (each 1.5 hours long) plus 85-page PDF of d..
Herbal Therapeutics 7: Immunomodulators
Speaker: David Winston. Specific indications and therapeutic uses of immunostimulants (such as bapti..
Herbs and Immunosuppressive Drugs
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Case studies illustrate herbal formulas useful in adjunctive therapy for orga..
Immune Potentiating Herbs and Foods, Part 1
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. A discussion of the immunomodulating effects of reishi, shiitake and mait..
Immune Potentiating Herbs and Foods, Part 2
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Continued from . Cooking demonstration following . A discussion of ..
Speaker: Jeffrey Langland. Part 1 describes the use of Fritillaria thunbergii as an adjuvant th..
Intensive: Optimizing Physical Performance and Recovery with Botanicals
Speaker: Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) This intensive gives us wide-ranging insights into th..
Long COVID: Symptoms, Etiology and Management Plans from the EU
Speaker: Jack Lambert, MD, PhD From his perspective as a researcher in chronic conditions ..
Lymphagogues and Alteratives: Lessons in Herbal Immunology
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, ND The goal of this discussion is to bring the physiology of ..
Medicinal Uses of Seaweed
Speaker: Ryan Drum. Modern research has confirmed the healing properties of seaweeds as antiviral, a..
Panel Discussion: Botanical and other Therapies for Long COVID
Panelists: Dee Atkinson, FNIMH, Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist, Kenneth Proefrock, NMD and David Wi..
Panel Discussion: Prevention of Viral Infections: Building Immunity with Botanicals
Speakers: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist; Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH (AHG), CAP (NAMA), AA..
Panel: Clinical Approaches to Immune-Centered Illness
Panelists: Mary Bove, ND, Chanchal Cabrera, RH (AHG), and Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG). Each panelist d..
Panel: Strengthening the Immune System with Botanicals
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Deborah Brammer, ND, David Hoffmann and David Wins..
Plant Lectins
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Lectins are responsible for a variety of cell to cell communications i..
Staying Healthy without Antibiotics
Speaker: Aviva Romm. This lecture includes guidelines for determining when and for how long her..
Targeting COVID-19 with Natural Medicine
Speaker: Donald Yance, RH (AHG). This two-hour presentation includes detailed material on prev..
The Antimicrobial Effects of Essential Oils
Speaker: David Crow. An overview of the latest research on the therapeutic uses of essential oi..
The Antiviral Materia Medica
Speaker: Paul Bergner, CN Medicinal plants may affect viral infections in humans in three general wa..
The Antiviral Materia Medica
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A review of antiviral strategies in general, and the materia medica for ..
The Clinical Use of Immunomodulators
Speaker: Kevin Spelman. The last few decades have provided increasing evidence that botanically..
Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Mushrooms
Speaker: Roy Upton. A review of the many immune enhancing mushrooms and their differentiations...
Treating Inflammation with Botanical Medicines, Part 2
Speaker: Mary Bove. Continued from Part 1 this comprehensive two part lecture begins with..