Tierra, Michael

Diagnosis and Treatment of Shen Disorders with Chinese Herbs
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Shen corresponds to our psychological and spiritual being, and when it..
Herbal and Nutritional Therapies for Acute/Chronic Conditions
Speaker: Michael Tierra. The effect of kichari on a variety of chronic diseases is discussed.&n..
Herbalist Training: Clinical Herbalism- Principles of Formulation
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Western, Chinese and Ayurvedic models of formulation are described. Us..
Integrating Chinese and Western Herbs
Speaker: Michael Tierra. The concept of Qi (chi) from traditional Chinese medicine is des..
Integration of Chinese and Ayurvedic Medical Theory with Western Herbal Practice
Speaker: Michael Tierra. This talk describes the concept of Qi (life energy) and its expression in m..
Integrative Treatments for Skin Disease
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Diagnostic methods are discussed for determining the underlying causes of c..
Neem: The Universal Healer
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Neem is regarded in India as the "village pharmacy." Find out wh..
Panel: Herbs for Longevity
Panelists: Kerry Bone, Amanda McQuade Crawford and Michael Tierra. The closing panel of the sym..
Phlegm: A Complication of Chronic Disease
Speaker: Michael Tierra. The traditional Chinese diagnostic model offers herbal remedies to cle..
Shen Healing the Spirit with Herbs
Speaker: Michael Tierra. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Shen corresponds to our psycho-..
Shen or Spirit Disorders: East-West Herbal Approach to Diagnosis & Treatment
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Conditions discussed: depression, mania, schizophrenia, psychosis and ..
The Eight Principles of Chinese Medicine
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Using the common principles of Chinese medicine to create treatment pr..
Treasured Herbs and Formulas from Around the World
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Formulas for detoxification, treating cold and flu, back pain, cardiov..
Yin Deficiency/Adrenal Exhaustion: Herbal Diagnosis & Treatment
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Arthritic, digestive, emotional, respiratory and gynecological conditi..