Upton, Roy

Roy Upton, RH (AHG) is trained in traditional Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Western herbalism, and is a member of the Standards Committee of the American Herbal Products Association, and also the executive director and editor of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia. He is general manager of Planetary Herbals.Anti-Aging Remedies from TCM
Speaker: Roy Upton. Chinese herbal tonics possess adaptogenic, antioxidant and immune supportiv..
Bush Medicine of the Caribbean
Speaker: Roy Upton. Learn about the traditional practices of Caribbean herbalists and discover ..
Clinical and Quality Control Review
Speaker: Roy Upton. Does echinacea work? Are toxic metals in herbal products? Does St. John's..
Codification of Traditional Herbal Medicines
Speaker: Roy Upton. A description of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Project. &nb..
Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Speaker: Roy Upton. TCM differentiates four primary types of asthma and therapies for each. Als..
External Applications in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Speaker: Roy Upton. There are a number of external therapies in traditional Chinese medic..
FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and the Community Herbalist
Speaker: Roy Upton. The FDA recently implemented rules on Good Manufacturing Practices which have po..
Herbal Approaches to Sinus Infections
Speaker: Roy Upton. Herbal Approaches to Sinus Infections..
Herbal Formulation: Traditional Chinese and Western Principles
Speaker: Roy Upton. Four traditional Chinese principles of formulation are presented with examp..
Herbal Medicine for Insomnia
Speaker: Roy Upton. Differentiations for the use of sedatives, nervines, antispasmodics, and shen (s..
Herbal Medicine Quality: Challenges and Solutions
Speaker: Roy Upton. Quality issues are discussed including herbal adulteration, microbial contaminat..
Herbal Therapies for Genitourinary Tract Disorders
Speaker: Roy Upton. This talk deals with herbal therapies for bladder infections and prostate e..
Herbal Treatments for Hemorrhoids
Speaker: Roy Upton. Presents an approach that integrates nutritional, herbal, and topical approaches..
Integration of Botanical Medicines with Conventional Pharmaceuticals: Safety and Efficacy
Speaker: Roy Upton. One of the primary concerns of patients and health care providers is a..
Integrative Herbal Therapies for the Sinuses
Speaker: Roy Upton. An integrated approach to treating the myriad of structural, systemic and enviro..
Intensive: TCM Diagnosis for Herbalists Pt. 1
Speaker: Roy Upton. Differential diagnosis in TCM includes observation of the physical signs of Qi, ..
Intensive: TCM Diagnosis for Herbalists Pt. 2
Speaker: Roy Upton. Continued from Part 1. Differential diagnosis in TCM includes observation of the..
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis
Speaker: Roy Upton. A system of differential diagnosis used for understanding illness. Re..
Kava Hepatotoxicity Update
Speaker: Roy Upton. Interpretation of the current controversy and the development of appropriat..
Materia Medica: Latest Research on Black Cohosh, Dong Quai and Garlic
Speaker: Roy Upton. Topics include: the estrogen-like effects of black cohosh; the use of dong ..
Medicinal Mushrooms in Clinical Practice
Speaker: Roy Upton. A discussion of the therapeutic uses of Ganoderma, Cordyceps, Grifola, Inonotus,..
Natural Therapies in Conventional Cancer Care: Increasing Chances for Survival and Quality of Life
Speaker: Roy Upton. Research shows that large numbers of cancer patients use some type of natur..
Panel Discussion: Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment: Is there a Role for Botanicals?
Panelists: Christopher Hobbs, Chanchal Cabrera and Roy Upton. Immunotherapy has recently becom..
Panel: Botanical and Natural Therapies for Weight Management
Panelists: Roy Upton, Donald Yance and Mary Bove, ND. The effects on the physiology of starvat..
Panel: Diagnostics in Clinical Herbal Practice
Panelists: Mary Bove, Kenneth Proefrock, Robert Rountree and Roy Upton. A description of diagno..
Panel: Traditional Approaches to Chronic Disease - Asthma
Panel: John Douillard, Roy Upton, Crosslin Smith and Jill Stansbury. Offers a variety of approa..
Prevention and Treatment of Kidney Stones
Speaker: Roy Upton. A discussion of the causes of different types of kidney stones, dietary con..
Safety of Herbal Medicines: Separating Fact from Fiction
Speaker: Roy Upton. If you have ever had a friend, colleague or relative observe that herbs "ar..
Shisandra: A Review of Adaptogenic and Antihepatotoxic Activities
Speaker: Roy Upton. An in-depth look at the pharmacology, clinical studies and safety of schisa..
Supporting Cancer Patients with Chinese Medicines
Speaker: Roy Upton. A general treatment plan for cancer from the traditional Chinese medical mo..
The Spirit of Chinese Medicinal Herbs for Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health
Speaker: Roy Upton. The existing herbal medicine literature is replete with actions and indicat..
Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Mushrooms
Speaker: Roy Upton. A review of the many immune enhancing mushrooms and their differentiations...
Treatment of ADD/ADHD using Traditional Chinese Principles
Speaker: Roy Upton. Presents nutritional, lifestyle, and traditional Chinese herbal protocols f..
Understanding Emotional Imbalances According to TCM
Speaker: Roy Upton. TCM offers a practical physiological approach to understanding and treating..
Understanding Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis
Speaker: Roy Upton. The intricacies of anatomy and physiology understood from the TCM perspecti..
Use of Immune Modulating Botanicals in Cancer Therapy
Speaker: Roy Upton. Use of Immune Modulating Botanicals in Cancer Therapy..