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Botanical and Nutritional Treatment of Thyroid Disorders

Botanical and Nutritional Treatment of Thyroid Disorders

Speaker: David Winston. Addresses underlying causes and botanical protocols for hypothyroidism,..


Botanical Approaches to Hypothyroidism

Botanical Approaches to Hypothyroidism

Speaker: Deborah Frances.  Begins by describing common symptoms and syndromes associated w..


Botanical Therapies for Adrenal and Thyroid Deficiencies

Botanical Therapies for Adrenal and Thyroid Deficiencies

Speaker: Donald Yance. Adrenal exhaustion can often lead to hypothyroidism.  Botanical, nu..


Botanical Therapies for Thyroid Disease

Botanical Therapies for Thyroid Disease

Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Botanical and other natural interventions for both overactive and u..


Botanicals for Modulating Thyroid Hormones and Reproductive System

Botanicals for Modulating Thyroid Hormones and Reproductive System

Speaker: Jill Stansbury. A review of the synergy between these hormonal systems explores why fe..


Botanicals for Thyroid Function and Dysfunction

Botanicals for Thyroid Function and Dysfunction

Speaker: Ryan Drum. Theories which explain the explosion of thyroid dysfunction in today's soci..


Herbal Alternatives for Hyperthyroidism

Herbal Alternatives for Hyperthyroidism

Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Pharmaceutical and medical management of hyperthyroidism: how to help patie..


Herbal Therapies for Subclinical Hypothyroid

Herbal Therapies for Subclinical Hypothyroid

Speaker: Paul Bergner. Diagnostic criteria for subclinical hypothyroid (depressed TSH with normal T4..


Medicinal Uses of Seaweed

Medicinal Uses of Seaweed

Speaker: Ryan Drum. Modern research has confirmed the healing properties of seaweeds as antiviral, a..


Natural Therapies for Hyperthyroidism

Natural Therapies for Hyperthyroidism

Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Includes botanicals for adrenal support, lifestyle recommendations and..


Thyroid Deficiency: An Integrative Approach

Thyroid Deficiency: An Integrative Approach

Speaker: Donald Yance. Thyroid hormone plays a pivotal role in brain function, protein synthesi..


Thyroid Disorders, the Underlying Causes, and their Effective Treatment with Natural Remedies

Thyroid Disorders, the Underlying Causes, and their Effective Treatment with Natural Remedies

Speaker: David Winston, RH(AHG). This presentation addresses underlying causes and botanic..


Thyroid Disorders: A Link to Metabolic and Emotional Conditions

Thyroid Disorders: A Link to Metabolic and Emotional Conditions

Speaker: Mary Bove. Thyroid physiology, pathology and thyroid hormone metabolism are all an int..


Thyroid Dysfunction: Botanical Therapies

Thyroid Dysfunction: Botanical Therapies

Speaker: Ryan Drum. Therapies for hyperthyroidism including sea vegetables and herbs, plus case..


Thyroid Health: Zeroing in on Two Common Thyroid Conditions

Thyroid Health: Zeroing in on Two Common Thyroid Conditions

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND  The thyroid gland plays a major role in health and well-being from..


Thyroid: Hashimotos, Graves', Botanical Medicine, Nutrition and Iodine

Thyroid: Hashimotos, Graves', Botanical Medicine, Nutrition and Iodine

Speaker: Jason Miller. This lecture outlines thyroid physiology, and the pathophysiology of aut..


Top Ten Pharmaceuticals and Alternatives

Top Ten Pharmaceuticals and Alternatives

Speaker: Walter Crinnion.  Clinicians need to be aware of the potential side-effects of the med..


Updates on Botanicals for Subclinical Hypothyroid

Updates on Botanicals for Subclinical Hypothyroid

Speaker: Paul Bergner. This 2013 update on subclinical hypothyroid includes a thorough discussi..


Women’s Thyroid Health

Women’s Thyroid Health

Speaker: Mary Bove.  Herbal medicines can increase function and stimulation of the thyroid, dec..


Series: Thyroid Management for Clinicians

Series: Thyroid Management for Clinicians

Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus 61-page PDF of digital notes. In this co..


Showing 1 to 20 of 20 (1 Pages)

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