Hobbs, Christopher

Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc, is a fourth-generation herbalist, licensed acupuncturist, author, clinician, botanist, mycologist, and research scientist with over 35 years of experience with herbal medicine. Christopher Hobbs has a doctorate from UC Berkeley in phylogenetics, evolutionary biology and phytochemistry. He is also a founding member of the American Herbalists Guild.
Diabetes, Obesity and Related Diseases
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc Causes, scientific insights into the processes involv..
Essential Oil Therapeutics--Internal Uses for Clinic and Home
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc Essential oils (EO) comprise all the volatile compou..
Geriatric Health Audio Series
Discount package: One click orders eight recordings (each 1.5 hours long) plus 85-page PDF of d..
Healing Sleep
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. Describes the emerging research on the function and importance of sleep ..
Healthy Aging: Research Summary on Prevention of Musculoskeletal Degeneration, Memory Loss and Other Conditions of Aging
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc. Science review includes latest clinical trials, meta-anal..
Managing Obesity and Related Syndromes: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. Practical strategies to manage obesity and related syndromes: chronic in..
Mushroom Medicine: Challenges and Potential
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. Mushrooms have consistently shown immunomodulatory and anti-tumor e..
Mushroom Spirit Medicine
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc This lecture presents the healing benefits of fungi a..
Panel Discussion: Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment: Is there a Role for Botanicals?
Panelists: Christopher Hobbs, Chanchal Cabrera and Roy Upton. Immunotherapy has recently becom..
Panel: New Discoveries in Botanical Medicine
Panelists: Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc, David Crow, LAc and Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG). New botanica..
Pharmacokinetics of Plant Compounds: Recent Research
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. This is the science of how active constituents in plants are absorb..
TCM Approaches to Inflammation in a Scientific Context
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. A clinical presentation on the role of inflammation as the major et..
The Human Microbiome
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. The human microbiome is incredibly complex. New research emphasizes..
Treating Infections with Natural Medicine, Part 1: TCM Pulse and Tongue Diagnosis
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. The bulk of this lecture describes Traditional Chinese Medicine pul..
Treating Infections with Natural Medicine, Part 2
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. Part 2 continues with a further explanation of pulse and tongue diagnosi..
Healthy Aging Audio Series
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus 128-page PDF of digital notes. This seri..
Series: Cannabis Therapeutics
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus PDF of digital notes.This series includes the..
Series: Pain and Inflammation
Discount package: One click orders eight recordings plus PDF of digital notes. This series includes..
Series: Sleep Management for Clinicians
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus 62-page PDF of digital notes. These six ..
Use of Cannabis Compounds for Health and Disease Treatment: A Science-Based Review
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. Reviews over 250 clinical trials on the efficacy and safety of cann..