Williams, Jennifer

Jennifer Williams, PhD, DACM, LAc, is an acupuncturist and herbalist who is nationally board certified and licensed in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. She is an approved provider for the Veterans Administration as a Fee Basis Community Care Acupuncture provider for the Johnson City, TN and the Asheville, NC Veteran Medical Centers. She also serves her local community at her clinic and learning studio in Green Mountain, North Carolina, and completed a Doctorate in Chinese Medicine and her PhD in Counseling Studies. She also completed an internship at the Red Cross Hospital in Huaihua, China and teaches advanced diagnosis and acupuncture techniques for pain and comorbidities. She specializes in pain, autoimmune, post deployment, and neurovascular presentations. Jennifer’s clinical focus includes musculoskeletal issues, internal medical disorders, repetitive stress injuries, psyche, and wellness.
Substance Addiction and Recovery: Herbal Strategies for Emotional and Physical Pain
Speaker: Jennifer Williams, PhD, DACM, LAc This presentation includes current evidence on..