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Medicine Making

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Adrenal Adaptogen Medicine Making

Adrenal Adaptogen Medicine Making

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Medicine does not have to taste bad to be good. How do we integrate adapt..


Antiviral Herbs Native to the Appalachian Mountains

Antiviral Herbs Native to the Appalachian Mountains

Speaker: Ruby Daniels, MS  The traditions of Ruby D’s Afro-lachian ancestry run deep in this pr..


Beginner’s Guide to Making Tinctures

Beginner’s Guide to Making Tinctures

Speaker: Robin McGee. Making your own tinctures is fun, easy, empowering (and addictive)! Durin..


Bitters as Therapeutic Tonics (Demonstration)

Bitters as Therapeutic Tonics (Demonstration)

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG) Learn to create bitter tonics for systemic health issues. B..


Blood & Iron-Building Tonics

Blood & Iron-Building Tonics

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Herbs and foods are beneficial in boosting red blood cell count, rem..


Comparative Materia Medica for the Bitter Herbs

Comparative Materia Medica for the Bitter Herbs

Speaker: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist The category of bitter herbs has formed the bedro..


Cordials and Elixirs

Cordials and Elixirs

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Herbal elixirs concocted from tonic herbs, spices and fruits may inc..


Creating Herbal Oils

Creating Herbal Oils

Speaker: Robin McGee. Herbal oils are easy to make and can be used for massage, painful muscles..


Creating Herbal Salves and Creams

Creating Herbal Salves and Creams

Speaker: Robin McGee. These topical applications can be used to moisturize and cleanse the skin..


Creating Herbal Syrups

Creating Herbal Syrups

Speaker: Jane Bothwell. Syrups are essentially a strong herbal decoction blended with honey or ..


Embracing Home Remedies

Embracing Home Remedies

Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. This wide ranging talk begins with herbal formulas for f..


Field Applications in Botanical Medicine: Instant Tinctures with CO2 Extraction

Field Applications in Botanical Medicine: Instant Tinctures with CO2 Extraction

Speaker: Glen Nagel, ND, RH (AHG).  Need that herb in a hurry? Will a two-week tincture ta..


For the Joy of BonBons (Demonstration)

For the Joy of BonBons (Demonstration)

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)  A bonbon is one of the easiest and tastiest ways to delive..


Herb Harvest: Gather, Process and Store your Herbal Bounty

Herb Harvest: Gather, Process and Store your Herbal Bounty

Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Herb Harvest: Gather, Process and Store your Herbal Bounty..


Herbal Therapies for Coughs:­ Preparing a Cough Elixir

Herbal Therapies for Coughs:­ Preparing a Cough Elixir

Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller.  This lecture begins with a description of botanical the..


Herbal Treasures from the National Formulary (NF) of 1906

Herbal Treasures from the National Formulary (NF) of 1906

Speaker: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist The NF was the official listing of formulas for a..


Herbal Treats: BonBons, Truffles and Candies

Herbal Treats: BonBons, Truffles and Candies

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Enjoy making and sampling these delicacies, while discussing how add..


Herban Legends and Clinical Pearls in the Female Reproductive Materia Medica

Herban Legends and Clinical Pearls in the Female Reproductive Materia Medica

Speakers: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist An Herban Legend is a persistent, widely and fir..


Home Health Care for Families

Home Health Care for Families

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG) Taking care of loved ones in the time of a pandemic is more chal..


Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 1

Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 1

Speaker: Mary Bove. Herbal butters, vinegars, oils, syrups, and infusions can bring a valuable herba..


Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 2

Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 2

Speaker: Mary Bove. Continued from Part 1. Herbal butters, vinegars, oils, syrups, and infusions can..


Keynote: Marvels and Mishaps on the Medicine Trail

Keynote: Marvels and Mishaps on the Medicine Trail

Speaker: Chris Kilham. In this keynote address, Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham shares recent adventure..


Laying on Leaves the Science and Art of Herbal Poulticing

Laying on Leaves the Science and Art of Herbal Poulticing

Speaker: Richo Cech. We discuss the science and art of poulticing and demonstrate the making an..


Little Known Medicines of the Southern Forests and Fields

Little Known Medicines of the Southern Forests and Fields

Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG)  The Southeastern US is one of the most botanically diver..


Lotions and Potions (Demonstration)

Lotions and Potions (Demonstration)

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Demonstration class for creating medicinal salves and tonics in your kitc..


Making an Herbal Salve from Infused Oils

Making an Herbal Salve from Infused Oils

Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Learn how to filter the oils made the previous day and prepare a s..


Making and Using Infused Oils

Making and Using Infused Oils

Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Learn how to harvest plants with therapeutic properties from the h..


Making Herbal Glycerites

Making Herbal Glycerites

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Discover the sweetness of herbal extractions using vegetable glyceri..


Making Medicinal Honey, Pt 1

Making Medicinal Honey, Pt 1

Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Medicinal honey and its byproducts (propolis, pollen) are ancient ..


Making Medicinal Honey, Pt 2

Making Medicinal Honey, Pt 2

Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Continued from Part 1. Medicinal honey and its byproducts (pr..


Medicinal Elixirs and Cordials

Medicinal Elixirs and Cordials

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Learn to prepare herbal tonics for many of the body's systems in sweet, s..


Medicinal Plants: Cultivating, Medicine Making & Clinical Applications

Medicinal Plants: Cultivating, Medicine Making & Clinical Applications

Speaker: JoAnn Sanchez. This talk includes a description of significant cultivation points, rem..


Medicine Can be a Ball (Demonstration)

Medicine Can be a Ball (Demonstration)

Speaker: Rosemary Gladstar. Making medicines that are effective, well formulated, delicious and fun:..


Medicine for Diabetes and Cholesterol from Desert Untouchables

Medicine for Diabetes and Cholesterol from Desert Untouchables

Speaker: Martha Burgess. Harvest techniques and preparation of medicine from cholla, prickly pear, b..


Oxymels and Vinegar Infusions

Oxymels and Vinegar Infusions

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG) Making medicine for immediate consumption or digestive reli..


Pao Zhi- The Alchemy of Herbs

Pao Zhi- The Alchemy of Herbs

Speaker: David Winston. Alchemy is the process of taking something physical and liberating its ..


Preparing Wild Foods (Demonstration)

Preparing Wild Foods (Demonstration)

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Medicinal and edible plants are used to create an amazing meal of wi..


Roll your own Herbal Balls

Roll your own Herbal Balls

Speaker: Rosemary Gladstar. Learned in Laos and China, the art of making your own herbal pill b..


Simplicity of Simples in Botanical Medicine

Simplicity of Simples in Botanical Medicine

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Take a look at the healing practice of simple herbal preparations for da..


Super Salves: Five Therapeutic Salve

Super Salves: Five Therapeutic Salve

Speaker: Ryan Drum. A set of easy-to-make salves and some discussion of non-herbal salve compon..


Sweet Medicine: Herbal-infused Honeys and Herbal Syrups (Demonstration)

Sweet Medicine: Herbal-infused Honeys and Herbal Syrups (Demonstration)

Speaker: Robin McGee Sometimes we have to get creative to get herbal remedies into relucta..


The Medicine Garden: A Powerful Tool for Healing

The Medicine Garden: A Powerful Tool for Healing

Speaker: JoAnn Sanchez. This is an opportunity to spend time with the creator of the SCNM herb ..


The Percolation Method of Preparing Tinctures

The Percolation Method of Preparing Tinctures

Speaker: Jane Bothwell. Do you ever need a tincture for a client and it is not on your apotheca..


Tree Medicine: Sentient Beings and Allies for Life

Tree Medicine: Sentient Beings and Allies for Life

Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)  Learn how to build a relationship with trees as allie..


Tropane Alkaloids: From the History of Pharmacy to the Modern Practice of Botanical Medicine

Tropane Alkaloids: From the History of Pharmacy to the Modern Practice of Botanical Medicine

Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD A recent foray into the desert to wildcraft Datura led Kenneth ..


Wild Fermentation

Wild Fermentation

Speaker: John Slattery. Fermentation is wild! And, yes, it’s naturally occurring… all around us..


Wild Fruits of Fields and Forests and Their use as Food and Medicine

Wild Fruits of Fields and Forests and Their use as Food and Medicine

Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Fruits are the seed-bearing parts of plants and include berries, nuts, ..


Wild Fruits of the Fields and Forests (Demonstration)

Wild Fruits of the Fields and Forests (Demonstration)

Speaker: Vickie Shufer, MS  Fruits are the seed-bearing parts of plants and include berrie..


Wild Herbal Teas, Tinctures, & Vinegars

Wild Herbal Teas, Tinctures, & Vinegars

Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Discover wild herbs for making teas that are mentally and physically st..


Wildcrafting: Gathering Your Own Plants for Medicine

Wildcrafting: Gathering Your Own Plants for Medicine

Speaker: 7Song. Discussion includes sustainable harvesting techniques, helpful andimportant too..


Showing 1 to 50 of 50 (1 Pages)

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