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Bove, Mary

Bove, Mary

Dr. Mary Bove herbal advocate, educator, and innovator holds a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, Midwifery Certification and Diploma of Phytotherapy/Herbal Medicine. She practiced Naturopathic Family Medicine, herbal Medicine, and Midwifery for over 30 years, specializing in naturopathic pediatrics, botanical medicine, natural prenatal care and homebirth.

Once full-time faculty at Bastyr University, Dr Bove chaired the departments of Botanical Medicine and Naturopathic Midwifery. Dr Bove is the author of the Encyclopedia of Natural Healing for Children and Infants and co-authored Herbs for Women’s Health. Mary has been published in many magazines, journals and collaborative books on botanical and natural medicine. She has worked as Medical Educator and in formulation research and product development for Gaia Herbs Brevard, NC, belonging to Gaia’s Scientific Advisory Board for over 35 years. Dr Bove currently consults, lectures, writes, and teaches internationally for Heartwood Institute on the topics of naturopathic medicine, botanical medicine, pediatrics, natural pregnancy and childbirth, traditional food medicine, and mind-body healing.

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Adaptogens and Womens Health

Adaptogens and Womens Health

Speaker: Mary Bove. Discussion includes a description of the way adaptogens work. Discusses th..


Addressing Immune Health through the Ages: Infants to Seniors

Addressing Immune Health through the Ages: Infants to Seniors

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND  Let’s talk immune health for all ages and what we can do to suppor..


Addressing the Multiple Causes of Insomnia

Addressing the Multiple Causes of Insomnia

Speaker: Mary Bove. Disruption of healthy sleep patterns can occur for many reasons, including curre..


Adrenal Function, Stress and Botanical Medicine

Adrenal Function, Stress and Botanical Medicine

Speaker: Mary Bove. Assessment of adrenal function through saliva testing and common signs and ..


Alternative Aspects in the Treatment of ADHD

Alternative Aspects in the Treatment of ADHD

Speaker: Mary Bove. The discussion includes nutritional and dietary recommendations, botanical ..


Boost your Fertility: A Pre-Fertility Prep Program for Men and Women

Boost your Fertility: A Pre-Fertility Prep Program for Men and Women

Speaker: Mary Bove.  There are simple steps for tuning up fertility in men and women,..


Botanical Alternatives to Common Pharmaceuticals

Botanical Alternatives to Common Pharmaceuticals

Speaker: Mary Bove. Botanical and other naturopathic alternatives to pharmaceuticals for pain, ..


Botanical for Osteopenia - A Reversible Risk Factor for Osteoporosis

Botanical for Osteopenia - A Reversible Risk Factor for Osteoporosis

Speaker: Mary Bove. Osteopenia is a changeable bone condition. Natural therapies applied in tim..


Botanical Insights into Early Childhood Caries

Botanical Insights into Early Childhood Caries

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Early childhood caries is the most common chronic childhood diseases an..


Botanical Medicine for Infants and Toddlers

Botanical Medicine for Infants and Toddlers

Speaker: Mary Bove. The role of herbal medicine in supporting the immune system, digestion and ..


Botanical Modulators of Female Endocrine Stress

Botanical Modulators of Female Endocrine Stress

Speaker: Mary Bove. Compares and contrasts the attributes of specific plants and their clinical..


Botanical Options for Constipation in Children

Botanical Options for Constipation in Children

Speaker: Mary Bove. Persistent constipation can impact a child’s physical and psychosocial well..


Botanical Protocols for Acute Pediatric Fever

Botanical Protocols for Acute Pediatric Fever

Speaker: Mary Bove. The therapeutic usefulness of fever is addressed, along with management goa..


Botanical Therapies for Childhood Asthma

Botanical Therapies for Childhood Asthma

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Currently there are over 6 million children in the USA suffering from asthma..


Botanical Therapies for Infertility

Botanical Therapies for Infertility

Speaker: Mary Bove. This lecture begins with a description of the common causes of infertility ..


Botanical Tools for Managing Panic Disorders

Botanical Tools for Managing Panic Disorders

Speaker: Mary Bove. People of all ages suffer from acute and/or chronic panic. There are many i..


Botanicals for Acute and Chronic Respiratory Illness in Children

Botanicals for Acute and Chronic Respiratory Illness in Children

Speaker: Mary Bove.Mary Bove. Herbal dosage computation for children is important- formulas are give..


Botanicals for Blood Building and Iron Deficiency

Botanicals for Blood Building and Iron Deficiency

Speaker: Mary Bove. Iron deficiency anemia is a reality, considering the standard American diet..


Botanicals for Childhood Obesity

Botanicals for Childhood Obesity

Speaker: Mary Bove. Topics include environmental toxins, endocrine insult, diet and emotional i..


Botanicals for Colds and Flu

Botanicals for Colds and Flu

Speaker: Mary Bove. Featured herbs: black elderberry, andrographis, and echinacea have a synerg..


Botanicals for Minimizing Secretory Infections in Children

Botanicals for Minimizing Secretory Infections in Children

Speaker: Mary Bove. Botanical therapies for infections of the ear, the upper respiratory and ur..


Botanicals for MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

Botanicals for MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

Speaker: Mary Bove. Discussion of the MRSA bacterium: resistance issues, risk factors, sub-cate..


Calm, Cool, and Uplifted with Mood Enhancing Plants

Calm, Cool, and Uplifted with Mood Enhancing Plants

Speaker: Mary Bove. Staying centered and upbeat can be a challenge at times, one that can influence ..


Caring for the Adolescent Patient

Caring for the Adolescent Patient

Speaker: Mary Bove. Caring for the Adolescent Patient..


Case Studies on Depression and Anxiety

Case Studies on Depression and Anxiety

Speaker: Mary Bove. These case studies on depression and anxiety describe lab tests to determine pot..


Childhood Metabolic Disorders

Childhood Metabolic Disorders

Speaker: Mary Bove. Discussion includes therapies for childhood obesity, hypoglycemia, hypergyc..


Children's Health Audio Series

Children's Health Audio Series

Discount package: One-click orders eight recordings (each 1.5 hours long) plus 94-page PDF of d..


Children, Stress, Cortisol and Botanical Therapies

Children, Stress, Cortisol and Botanical Therapies

Speaker: Mary Bove. Herbal medicines offer several options for support to the neuroendocrine sy..


Childrens Health:The Digestive/Immune Connections

Childrens Health:The Digestive/Immune Connections

Speaker: Mary Bove. A look at the role botanical medicines play in supporting healthy digestive..


Chronic Vulvovaginitis

Chronic Vulvovaginitis

Speaker: Mary Bove. Chronic Vulvovaginitis..


Compliance in Finicky Adults and Kids

Compliance in Finicky Adults and Kids

Speaker: Mary Bove. Compliance can be a major factor in the outcome of herbal therapies. I..


Compounding, Formulation & Dosages

Compounding, Formulation & Dosages

Speaker: Mary Bove. Create a balanced, effective formula by setting long and short-term goals f..


COPD and Women: How Herbs Can Help

COPD and Women: How Herbs Can Help

Speaker: Mary Bove. COPD is actually a big issue in women’s health and rarely talked about. Thi..


Cultivating Focus and Attention in Kids with Botanical Medicine

Cultivating Focus and Attention in Kids with Botanical Medicine

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Kids develop focus, attention and memory as they mature and develop the..


Cultivating the Skin Microbiome with Botanicals

Cultivating the Skin Microbiome with Botanicals

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Microbiome health reaches further than the gut, contributing to the..


Dermatitis in Children: Botanical Therapies

Dermatitis in Children: Botanical Therapies

Speaker: Mary Bove. Causes of atopic dermatitis are addressed along with topical and systemic h..


Differential Application of Botanical Immunomodulating Agents for Children

Differential Application of Botanical Immunomodulating Agents for Children

Speaker: Mary Bove.  Botanicals interact with the human immune system in a variety of ways, eli..


Herbal Discussion

Herbal Discussion

Speaker: Mary Bove. Join Herbalist Mary Bove in the herb garden with clinical pearls, formulations, ..


Herbal Galactagogues and Healthy Lactation

Herbal Galactagogues and Healthy Lactation

Speaker: Mary Bove.  Plants which act to increase the production and secretion of breast milk a..


Herbal Therapeutics 12: Astringents and Demulcents

Herbal Therapeutics 12: Astringents and Demulcents

Speaker: Mary Bove. Compare and contrast the actions of demulcent and astringent herbs, including Al..


Herbal Therapeutics 16: Aromatic and Carminative Herbs

Herbal Therapeutics 16: Aromatic and Carminative Herbs

Speaker: Mary Bove. Discusses the application of these herbs in supporting healthy digestive functio..


Herbal Therapeutics 23: Specific Indications and Therapeutic Uses of Galactagogues

Herbal Therapeutics 23: Specific Indications and Therapeutic Uses of Galactagogues

Speaker: Mary Bove. The application of herbs in supporting healthy breastfeeding and lactation: how ..


Herbal Therapeutics 25: Diuretics

Herbal Therapeutics 25: Diuretics

Speaker: Mary Bove. Therapeutic use of herbal diuretics ranges from management of blood pressure or ..


Herbal Therapeutics 4: Tonics and Bitters

Herbal Therapeutics 4: Tonics and Bitters

Speaker: Mary Bove. This class of herbal medicines has wide therapeutic use in clinical practice. Cl..


Herbal Therapeutics 9: Pelvic Decongestants

Herbal Therapeutics 9: Pelvic Decongestants

Speaker: Mary Bove. Topics include: PMS, painful menses, uterine fibroids, bladder pain, and fertili..


Herbs for High Altitude Adaptation

Herbs for High Altitude Adaptation

Speaker: Mary Bove. Acute mountain sickness (AMS) includes headache, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, n..


Herbs for Osteoporosis

Herbs for Osteoporosis

Speaker: Mary Bove. Herbal therapies for Osteoporosis to supplement the usual recommendations of lif..


Herbs for Restoring Gut Mucosal Health and Function

Herbs for Restoring Gut Mucosal Health and Function

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Restoration of the gut mucosa and intestinal barrier with botanicals ca..


HPV, Cervical Dysplasia & Politics

HPV, Cervical Dysplasia & Politics

Speaker: Mary Bove. In light of recent state mandates for HPV vaccine in preteen girls, this lecture..


Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 1

Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 1

Speaker: Mary Bove. Herbal butters, vinegars, oils, syrups, and infusions can bring a valuable herba..


Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 2

Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 2

Speaker: Mary Bove. Continued from Part 1. Herbal butters, vinegars, oils, syrups, and infusions can..


Intensive: The Neuroendocrine/Digestive Connection, Part 1

Intensive: The Neuroendocrine/Digestive Connection, Part 1

Speaker: Mary Bove. Many digestive disorders are directly affected by our moods, nervous disposition..


Intensive: The Neuroendocrine/Digestive Connection, Part 2

Intensive: The Neuroendocrine/Digestive Connection, Part 2

Speaker: Mary Bove. Continued from Part 1 catalog number 12MEAA. Please see description under that r..


Interpreting Laboratory Results

Interpreting Laboratory Results

Speaker: Mary Bove.  Diagnostic techniques are described in depth.  They include comm..


Keynote Address: Inspired by Herbs: The Herbal Journey of a Modern Day Herbalist

Keynote Address: Inspired by Herbs: The Herbal Journey of a Modern Day Herbalist

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND  "At a young age I heard a calling and felt a bond with plants, particul..


Keynote Panel: Honoring Our Teachers – Stories from the Early Years of Modern Herbalism

Keynote Panel: Honoring Our Teachers – Stories from the Early Years of Modern Herbalism

Panelists: Deborah Frances, ND, Kat Maier, RH (AHG) and Mary Bove, ND  What brought you to the ..


Kitchen Medicine First Aid Pt 1

Kitchen Medicine First Aid Pt 1

Speaker: Mary Bove. This is a hands-on class in the use of common kitchen herbs, spices, fruits and ..


Kitchen Medicine First Aid Pt 2

Kitchen Medicine First Aid Pt 2

Speaker: Mary Bove. Continued from Part 1 Catalog number 14ME27. ..


Luteal Phase Deficiency

Luteal Phase Deficiency

Speaker: Mary Bove.  The second half of the ovarian cycle is called the luteal phase. Optimal f..


Luteal Phase Deficiency and Menstrual Cycle Health

Luteal Phase Deficiency and Menstrual Cycle Health

Speaker: Mary Bove. Natural therapies for female reproductive complaints including PMS and infe..


Managing Pediatric Respiratory Illness with Botanical Medicine

Managing Pediatric Respiratory Illness with Botanical Medicine

Speaker: Mary Bove. Presents a child's respiratory materia medica, which covers relevant research, a..


Midwifery Care: Herbs for Pregnancy & Birth

Midwifery Care: Herbs for Pregnancy & Birth

Speaker: Mary Bove. Modern research supports traditional herbs used in birthing and also adds new pl..


Mint Family: Digestion to Cognition. Rosemary to Oregano and Thyme

Mint Family: Digestion to Cognition. Rosemary to Oregano and Thyme

Speaker: Mary Bove. Medicinal uses of the classic herbs in the Mint/Lamiaceae family are descri..


Natural Medicine for Childhood Asthma

Natural Medicine for Childhood Asthma

Speaker: Mary Bove. Describes the atopic (allergic) child and how to control the cell-mediated ..


Osteoporosis: Prevention and Treatment

Osteoporosis: Prevention and Treatment

Speaker: Mary Bove. Prevention strategies include evaluation of diet, lifestyle, family history..


Panel Discussion: Staying Centered in a Stressful World

Panel Discussion: Staying Centered in a Stressful World

Panelists: Jillian Stansbury, Mary Bove and Kenneth Proefrock.  We all know the signs of stress..


Panel Discussion: Traditional Nature Cure

Panel Discussion: Traditional Nature Cure

Panelists: Mary Bove, Bill Mitchell and Ryan Drum.  Favorite techniques from the old tradi..


Panel: Botanical and Natural Therapies for Weight Management

Panel: Botanical and Natural Therapies for Weight Management

Panelists:  Roy Upton, Donald Yance and Mary Bove, ND. The effects on the physiology of starvat..


Panel: Clinical Approaches to Immune-Centered Illness

Panel: Clinical Approaches to Immune-Centered Illness

Panelists: Mary Bove, ND, Chanchal Cabrera, RH (AHG), and Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG). Each panelist d..


Panel: Diagnostics in Clinical Herbal Practice

Panel: Diagnostics in Clinical Herbal Practice

Panelists: Mary Bove, Kenneth Proefrock, Robert Rountree and Roy Upton. A description of diagno..


Panel: Self Care: One of the Most Challenging and Rewarding Aspects of Patient (and our own) Health

Panel: Self Care: One of the Most Challenging and Rewarding Aspects of Patient (and our own) Health

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND, Kat Maier, RH (AHG) and Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) All practitioners an..


Pedatric Dermatology

Pedatric Dermatology

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Discusses different kinds of dermatitis: atopic, allergic/contact, sebo..


Pediatric Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Conditions

Pediatric Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Conditions

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Naturopathic physician, Mary Bove, reviews the role of herbal medicines..


Pediatrics and Essential Oils

Pediatrics and Essential Oils

Speaker: Mary Bove. Aromatherapy is a safe and effective therapeutic option for infants and chi..


Resetting the Circadian Cycle, Part 1

Resetting the Circadian Cycle, Part 1

Speaker: Mary Bove. Part 1 focuses on health effects of a circadian cycle out of balance. A review o..


Resetting the Circadian Cycle, Part 1 and Part 2

Resetting the Circadian Cycle, Part 1 and Part 2

Speaker: Mary Bove. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 3-hour presentation. Part 1 focuses on he..


Restoring the Cortisol Cycle

Restoring the Cortisol Cycle

Speaker: Mary Bove. A focus on adrenal health through restoration and enhancement of the H..


Rhodiola, Holy Basil and Ashwagandha: A New Trinity to Combat Stress

Rhodiola, Holy Basil and Ashwagandha: A New Trinity to Combat Stress

Speaker: Mary Bove. This herb combination can address the many facets of health affected by chr..


Saliva Hormone Testing for Evaluation and Treatment of Adrenal Function

Saliva Hormone Testing for Evaluation and Treatment of Adrenal Function

Speaker: Mary Bove. Case histories demonstrate the application of saliva adrenal hormone profil..


Senescence, Senolytics, and Aging

Senescence, Senolytics, and Aging

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Senescent cells play a key role in the aging process and in age-related ..


Simplicity of Simples in Botanical Medicine

Simplicity of Simples in Botanical Medicine

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Take a look at the healing practice of simple herbal preparations for da..


Slow the Decline: New Developments in Brain Boosting Herbs

Slow the Decline: New Developments in Brain Boosting Herbs

Speaker: Mary Bove. Mental clarity and sharpness can be assisted with a classification of ..


The Cytokine Connection to Insomnia

The Cytokine Connection to Insomnia

Speaker: Mary Bove. Cytokines are proteins acting as neuro-immune modulators. Specific cytokine..


The Microbiome in Infants and Children: Maintaining Health and Wellness

The Microbiome in Infants and Children: Maintaining Health and Wellness

Speaker: Mary Bove. The importance of a healthy microbiome is far-reaching, impacting developme..


The Role of Bitter Herbs for a Healthy Microbiome

The Role of Bitter Herbs for a Healthy Microbiome

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Bitter herbs and the bitter action are central to herbal medicine and t..


The Simplicity of Herbal Simples

The Simplicity of Herbal Simples

Speaker: Mary Bove. The simple act of making an herb tea is at the heart of the healing power o..


The Super Fruits and their Antioxidant and Healing Potential

The Super Fruits and their Antioxidant and Healing Potential

Speaker: Mary Bove. Discusses the nutritional and therapeutic benefits of sea buckthorn, acai b..


The Thomsonian Roots of Herbalism

The Thomsonian Roots of Herbalism

Speaker: Mary Bove. The philosophy, therapeutics and herbal formulas of Samuel Thomson.  I..


Therapeutic Uses of Andrographis

Therapeutic Uses of Andrographis

Speaker: Mary Bove. Describes research on the effects of Andrographis on immunity, and clinical..


Therapeutic Value of Aromatic Plants

Therapeutic Value of Aromatic Plants

Speaker: Mary Bove. Aromatic plants offer many possibilities as antioxidants, antimicrobials, nervin..


Thyroid Disorders: A Link to Metabolic and Emotional Conditions

Thyroid Disorders: A Link to Metabolic and Emotional Conditions

Speaker: Mary Bove. Thyroid physiology, pathology and thyroid hormone metabolism are all an int..


Thyroid Health: Zeroing in on Two Common Thyroid Conditions

Thyroid Health: Zeroing in on Two Common Thyroid Conditions

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND  The thyroid gland plays a major role in health and well-being from..


Treating Inflammation with Botanical Medicines, Part 1

Treating Inflammation with Botanical Medicines, Part 1

Speaker: Mary Bove.  This comprehensive two part lecture begins with an explanation of the..


Treating Inflammation with Botanical Medicines, Part 2

Treating Inflammation with Botanical Medicines, Part 2

Speaker: Mary Bove.  Continued from Part 1 this comprehensive two part lecture begins with..


What Type is your Headache? Botanical Therapies

What Type is your Headache? Botanical Therapies

Speaker: Mary Bove.  A review of the various mechanisms behind the physiology of a headach..


Women, Autoimmunity and Estrogen Metabolism

Women, Autoimmunity and Estrogen Metabolism

Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Hormonal imbalances impact a woman’s health and contribute to manif..


Women’s Thyroid Health

Women’s Thyroid Health

Speaker: Mary Bove.  Herbal medicines can increase function and stimulation of the thyroid, dec..


Women's Health Audio Series

Women's Health Audio Series

Discount package: One-click orders eight recordings (each 1.5 hours long) plus 83-page PDF of digita..


Allergies and Asthma Audio Series

Allergies and Asthma Audio Series

Discount package: One-click orders six recordings (1.5 hours long) plus 66-page PDF of digital notes..


Series: Gastrointestinal Health

Series: Gastrointestinal Health

Discount package: One click orders nine recordings plus 137-page PDF of digital notes. These ni..


Series: Sleep Management for Clinicians

Series: Sleep Management for Clinicians

Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus 62-page PDF of digital notes. These six ..


Series: Thyroid Management for Clinicians

Series: Thyroid Management for Clinicians

Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus 61-page PDF of digital notes. In this co..


Showing 1 to 102 of 102 (1 Pages)

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